Hiyaa guys!
Late night thoughts: the people we meet. I'm sitting in bed, listening to some music when I know I should be doing homework, and just thinking. Thinking about people, those we meet and those we don't.
These thoughts started popping into my head this morning, I was sitting in the car waiting for my mum to finish up some errands, and I looked out the window and saw a little girl being pulled across the road by her mother. Both of them were dressed in their absolute best, frilly dresses and newly polished shoes. They must have come from church. Watching them, an image popped into my mind; the mother sitting outside the house, stitching materials that she selflessly took out of her own clothes together while her big eyed daughter carefully watched on. Her mother making her a beautiful new dress that she was sure everyone at church would complement her on.
Across the street there was an old man, stick in hand, dressed in a blazer and a pair of dress pants. He was waiting for the bus all by himself. How many stories and colours the wrinkles on his face must hold. How much has he seen, how much does he know?
"Everyone you meet will know something you don't." -Bill Nye
There is so much to be learnt from the people who walk the earth along with us. We may walk side by side but we never know all the stories, colours, places and things the other knows. And we tend to never make an effort to find out. The beauty found in each of us being unique is the endless amount of knowledge that is created by everyone. We all have so many experiences and so much life that, when put together, finding an end to all the tales and knowledge would be like finding the end of a rainbow; impossible. I think that setting out to meet as many people as you can in your lifetime is one of the most rewarding aspirations one can work towards achieving.
I think the people who cross our paths throughout life can be compared to the pages of a book. Each one is different, and each provides something to enrich the story. To enrich our story. We can become rich and drunk on people's stories, their life ambitions, their dreams. You can never know what a simple "Hello" might teach you.
I have set this goal upon myself, set out to meet as many people as possible and enrich my life with theirs. I challenge you to do the same. How exciting it would be to explore the minds of so many great people. See the poetry of their loves and hear their thoughts on everything from politics to garden snails.

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